Download Cookie Control

To begin, just select the Cookie Control edition that best suits your needs. All Cookie Control editions are GDPR compliant and offer an elegant user experience for your website's visitors.

The PRO editions will additionally offer you the ability to rebrand the displays to match your website's look and feel, localize the texts and target with geolocation. They also include priority support.

Compare the features and prices of the different Cookie Control editions and choose the one that best suits your needs!

Enterprise PRO

All the PRO features and benefits of a multi-site licence - just on a much larger scale, with 30 domains or more supported per licence.

Cookie Site Scanner now available

A Cookie Site Scanner subscription allows you to scan all the pages of your website(s) and gain insight into the type of cookies set. Your Scan History and relevant reports will be available in your account for a year after the scan date to help keep you GDPR compliant when writing or updating Cookie Control configurations and privacy policies.

You can perform as many full site scans as per your plan's allowance, on either a one-off basis or as part of a regular schedule. Scans can use either Crawl mode to automatically detect other pages of your website, or Sitemap mode where you can explicitly set a list of URLs to be processed.

What volume of Site Scans would you like?

scans per month

Enterprise Edition

With this plan you can set your own limits on the number of URLs processed per scan and the number of scans available per month the licence is active.

Create your subscription

To offer the best possible user experience, we need some basic information from you.
You can rest assured that we will not share any of this with anyone else.

Confirmation and Deployment

That's all you need to get started. After completing the process you will receive your license API key via email and you will be redirected to a page where you can collect your code snippet.

You can use the sample code snippet as a starting point to tailor the widget to completely match your website's needs.

You will also find more information on how to further configure the widget and how to find support, or where to find one of our ready to use plugins for some of the most popular Content Management Systems.

Your product selection

Cookie Control: PRO Edition
  ↳ VAT:
Cookie Site Scanner: 4K/5 Scans Edition
  ↳ VAT:
Total Amount Due